Category: Artificial Intelligence

Explore our library of blogs, insights, research papers, and more information on compliance in the life sciences industry.

According to Maame Ewusi-Mensah Frimpong, the deputy assistant attorney general at the US Department of Justice (DOJ), compliance has become more about understanding people and their motivations, and statement changes the perception of compliance professionals as they take a deep dive into the world of compliance and how DOJ views compliance. She added at the […]

Changes in the rules and regulations enacted by the government happen to be one of the most disruptive trends Life Sciences and Pharmaceutical companies face today. The pressure has been mounting since the inception of the compliance requirements, and now they’ve extended to the medical device market. With increasing pressure, heightened scrutiny, and high expectations, […]

Compliant HCP engagements have become imperative for Life Sciences companies. Reducing risk by integrating a data-driven compliance solution into an organization’s HCP engagement process is the key to reducing business-critical compliance risks. With heightened scrutiny and expectations from the government, it’s important to have an automated and data-driven HCP engagement solution that helps compliance professionals […]

Life Sciences is a highly regulated industry, and meeting compliance demands is highly imperative for companies. In addition, the evolving nature of the rules and regulations mounts pressure on organizations and compliance professionals as both are required to keep up with the government’s expectations. However, with the inception of technologies and data-driven compliance solutions, Life […]

The Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) published data every year, and similarly, they published Open Payments data for the year of 2021. This data was for the previous program years hence it includes the payments/transactions that took place between January 1st and December 31st. The applicable manufacturers reported a total of $10.9 billion […]

On November 16, 2020, the Office of the Inspector General issued a Special Fraud Alert. This was the first Special Fraud Alert in six years and the fourth one issued in the past two decades. Given that the Fraud Alert was released after years of observing the way the pharmaceutical companies and device manufacturers were […]