Category: Artificial Intelligence

Explore our library of blogs, insights, research papers, and more information on compliance in the life sciences industry.

The synergy between pharma associations may never materialize. It may even backfire. We will elaborate on this in an upcoming post, with the real-life case of pharma disclosure in Germany. Today, we discuss how public interest has surfaced as a surprisingly powerful ally in the pharma transparency movement.  Before exploring the ‘whats’ and ‘hows’, we […]

In one of our most effective webinars this year, Wendy Derosa and Bryan Timer, both Compliance professionals at Merck USA, had useful advice for small and mid-sized pharmaceutical companies just starting out in the analytics space. Here’s what they had to say. 1. Start Small Before the emigration to a sophisticated analytics platform, it helps […]

Accidental discovery. Life changing consequence. Happens all the time, doesn’t it? Penicillin wouldn’t have been discovered if Alexander Fleming hadn’t observed unusual growth in his lab equipment. For others in the life sciences industry—particularly in compliance—discoveries don’t always have happy endings. Data discoveries are best made quickly and internally. Yet, that doesn’t seem to happen […]

At qordata, we’re driven by an aggressive ‘myth-busting’ mission when it comes to the Pharma Compliance/Transparency space. And one way we measure our effectiveness is by seeking participant responses during the webinars we conduct. In our most recent webinar, in which I hosted Wendy Derosa and Bryan Timer from Merck USA, the poll results suggested […]

How does a member of the Big Pharma Club manage to have a sophisticated Compliance/Transparency Platform? Is the picture complicated while overseeing the information needs of a global firm with annual sales exceeding $10.1 billion (Q4 2016)? Our friends from Merck USA responded to both questions in a qordata webinar they presented in March 2017. […]

Putting outlook toward pre-CMS submission analytics to the test, qordata conducted a poll during its webinar earlier this month. The question was: “How important are analytics for reviewing spend prior to submission?” The results were unsurprising: 63% of participants believed using analytics prior to CMS submission was “Very Important,” with another 31% saying it was […]