Category: Compliance Monitoring

Explore our library of blogs, insights, research papers, and more information on compliance in the life sciences industry.

Sunshine Act Reporting Challenges & How to Tackle Them

As the reporting date under the US Sunshine Act approaches, compliance teams are working harder than ever to collect spend records and have them audited and ready to submit to CMS. If anything, the frenzy of resolving system issues, vendor management, and personnel challenges makes it extremely hard for most compliance teams to reach the […]

Listing Down the Challenges in Implementing Transparency In the EU

Clinical practices, at least the very best of them, take place out in the open. If anything, these depend on the expertise and input from several groups like academics, clinicians, healthcare organizations, manufacturers of medicines and medical technology, and even patient organizations. These collaborations, however, need to be transparent, and for this particular purpose, the […]

Highlights of the 17th Annual Pharma and Medical Device Compliance Congress

The 17th Annual Pharma and Medical Device Compliance Congress was held at the Mandarin Hotel in Washington, D.C from the 19th to the 21st of October, 2016. The conference provided an excellent opportunity for senior representatives from the compliance, legal, transparency, legal affairs, commercial operations/marketing, and regulatory affairs industries to network and discuss operational best […]

Tackling Non-Compliance and Fraud with Compliance Data Analytics

With the government taking a more proactive approach to mining Open Payments data to evaluate, investigate, and detect cases of healthcare fraud, pharmaceutical companies are even more keen to proactively stamp out any suspicion of fraud proactively, and they are turning to analytics techniques to do so. No pharma company wants to find out second […]

Highlights of the 4th Annual Pharma Compliance Europe Congress

The 4th Annual Pharma Compliance Europe Congress was held at the Royal Garden Hotel, London, UK, on the 5th and 6th of October, 2016. The conference provided an excellent opportunity for senior representatives from the compliance, legal, transparency, legal affairs, commercial operations/marketing, and regulatory affairs industries to network and discuss operational best practices. Attendees of […]

This Company Paid $28.1 Million for Violating The Anti-kickback Statute and False Claims Act

The largest nursing home pharmacy in the United States of America, based on the number of beds served, Omnicare, has agreed to pay $28.1 million as a means of settling charges of violating the FCA and Anti-kickback statute alleged against it. It was alleged that Omnicare requested and accepted received kickbacks from Abbott Laboratories. In […]