Category: Data Driven Compliance

Explore our library of blogs, insights, research papers, and more information on compliance in the life sciences industry.

Do Publish Spend Records Reveal the Story Behind the Transaction?

Physicians have long been receiving payments from drug and device manufacturers all over the country. If anything, these transactions cover anything and everything from meals to royalties and even speaking fees. To put it in simple words, this is a billion-dollar relationship that the public finally got to take a look at thanks to the […]

$513 Million Penalty Imposed on a Hospital for Illegal Patient Referral Payments

A major hospital chain in the U.S., Tenet Healthcare Corporation, along with two of its Atlanta-area subsidiaries, will pay more than $513 million in an attempt to resolve criminal charges and civil claims of a scheme aimed at defrauding the United States and to pay kickbacks for the acquisition of patient referrals. Apart from that, […]

17th Annual Pharma and Medical Device Compliance Congress

The Seventeenth Annual Pharma and Medical Device Compliance Congress is being held from the 19th to the 21st of October, 2016, at the Mandarin Hotel in Washington, D.C. The conference aims to bring together senior representatives from the compliance and legal industries to discuss best practices for compliance and will feature an impressive list of […]

EFPIA Transparency Directive: What to Expect in The Future?

Three years after the initiation of the EFPIA code, member companies published their transfers of value for the first time in 2016 in order to disclose their transactions with HCPs and HCOs for 2015. Whilst transparency initiatives in themselves aren’t new (countries like the USA, Netherlands, Portugal, UK and France already had them in place), […]

Rising Healthcare Fraud Penalties Make It Important for Life Sciences To Understand Their Data

The civil monetary penalties for violations of countless healthcare laws are on the rise. A few months back, we discussed the sharp increase in penalties under the Federal False Claims ACT (FCA). With the initiation of an interim final rule, the per-claim FCA penalty was nearly doubled by the Department of Justice. The reason behind […]

EFPIA Transparency Directive: What Should A Transparency System be Based On?

The EFPIA Transparency Directive deems it necessary for all member associations within the EU to publish spend data by Pharma manufacturers on HCP/HCO. For this purpose, under the data privacy laws of the EU, it is necessary for pharmaceutical manufacturers to receive consent from HCPs prior to reporting any transfer of value details in the […]