CMS Open Payments Audits: Why and How to Be Audit Ready?

CMS has started conducting audits, and the awareness that CMS is actively auditing Open Payments data prompts an immediate need to prepare for audits.  

In this white paper, read about ensuring audit readiness and addressing associated challenges. Get insights into key parts of the audit process, the past CMS open payments audits, what that general process has been like, and how life sciences compliance teams can ensure audit readiness while minimizing the risk of failing CMS audits, which can result in penalties and fines of up to $1,150,000.

Key Aspects Covered in the Whitepaper Include:

  • How does CMS identify companies for audit? 
  • The two phases of CMS audit  
  • Creating an audit readiness plan 
  • Building an audit readiness team 
  • Understanding the company’s Open Payments control document infrastructure 
  • Analyzing data systems, outputs, and more
Download the Whitepaper