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Watch Our Webinar

Risk-Based Monitoring Using AI​​ and Analytics

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About the Webinar:

Learn about the critical role of analytics in developing effective mitigation plans, establishing a monitoring plan based on risk priorities, and implementing robust policies and controls. Gain a comprehensive understanding of risk assessment and scoring, and discover how to use remediation strategies to ensure compliance and minimize risks.


  • Risk Assessment and Mitigation Strategies
    • Identifying Key Risk Areas with AI
    • Utilizing Analytics to Develop Mitigation Strategies
  • Evolving From Random Monitoring to Risk-Based Monitoring (through analytics and AI)
    • Risk Areas: Improper payments to HCP”, “Off-label promotions, misuse of samples, unapproved promotional materials, etc.
    • Commercial Activities: Speaker Program, in-office meals, Ad Boards, sample distribution, etc.
    • Channels: Social media, Improper payments to HCP”, “Off-label promotional, text, email, live, etc.
  • Establish a Monitoring Plan
    • Policies, Mitigation Plan, and Risk Tolerance
    • Activities/Controls to be Monitored
    • Control Failure Risk Assessment and Scoring
  • Remediations

Key Takeaways:

  • Gain a comprehensive understanding of the critical importance of risk assessment and mitigation strategies.
  • Learn how to effectively identify and prioritize risks within your organization.
  • Explore a variety of tools available for developing robust mitigation plans.
  • Discover how to leverage analytics to enhance your monitoring plan.
  • Master the use of remediations to ensure a complete and continuous risk management cycle.

Meet Our Expert Speakers

James Dawson

James Dawson

VP Compliance Solutions at qordata

Azeem khimani

Azeem Khimani

Product owner at qordata

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Who Should Attend?

Mid-tier to c-suite compliance professionals and general counsels within the life sciences industry. Especially, biotech, drug, and medical equipment manufacturing companies.

For more information, feel free to reach out to us.